Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Beaver sets up winter home at Singer Castle, Dark Island

Scott Garris, the caretaker of Singer Castle (and therefore the king of the castle for the winter) has a new subject. A beaver has set up shop in Singer Castle's South Boat House which also houses Dark Island's Gift Shop. The beaver photo above is courtesy of Wikipedia. The report and actual pictures of the beaver's new home below are from the scene by Scott Garris.

"The south boat house had part of it decked over to make room for a gift shop. The boat bay is under the decking. I have noticed that a beaver has been taking small trees and branches for a few weeks  now, but have not seen him. There is snow on the ground now and I have not seen any tracks. I thought he was gone.
On December 18, 2010 I was letting the boat warm up. The sun was shining and I could see a pile of branches in the boat slip under the gift shop. I know that the wind has been blowing down stream so I wondered how long the branches had been there. As I looked further in I could see a small beaver home in the back on the right. I have also been seeing short branches (8 to 12 inches long) with no bark and sharp on both ends, floating in the boat house for the last week. I guess I have a  guest for the winter." 

---Scott Garris, Singer Castle on Dark Island

Below is a picture of the South Boat House with Singer Castle looming in the background.
Castle photo by Robert J. Mondore. Click on the photos to see them larger.